Welcome to my Blog

Hi, my name is Suanne and I am writing this blog to share some of the tips and recipes I have learned or created with our backyard garden. The garden itself is actually my husband John's but we have had a garden for over 25 years so I have picked up some garden knowledge along the way. We live in Austin, Texas so we are blessed with a year long growing season. We always have something to eat from the garden and this pretty much dictates what we eat. All of our meals are planned around what happens to be growing at the time. One of the biggest challenges is what I like to call crop maintenance. What to do with all of the vegetables? Beyond sharing with the neighbors and friends I am always trying creative approaches to preparing the bounty. So the blog seemed like a good way to both keep track of and share my recipes.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Daikon Radish

Daikon Radishes are thriving in the garden this year. Here are two we pulled. I like the diakon because they are a mild radish and they go well in salads or just to slice as snacks. I make a Daikon and Carrot pickled salad with them. You plant the seeds in September and we have been harvesting since December. They get quite large these are about 14 inches long. They did well in the frost although for some of the larger ones that had the root exposed, the exposed part did freeze. We just cut that part off but these should be harvested if the root is large enough to be exposed before a freeze.

Daikon and Carrot Pickled Salad

One Daikon radish - peeled and grated
2-3 Carrots (depending on size) peeled and grated.
1/2 cup rice wine vinegar
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tablespoons sesame oil.

Use a food processor to grate the radish and carrot as its just easier if you have one. Combine all ingredients and let sit at room temperature for at least an hour. Serve with lettuce greens or by itself as a side.

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